Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Satan and Me

I was vaguely aware that you are supposed to use only your right hand in Muslim countries, reserving the left for what are euphemistically called “ablutions.” Satan, it seems, was left-handed. And so am I. Very. I didn’t think much about this – Morocco is pretty sophisiticated as Muslim countries go – until I read a blog that advised lefties traveling to Morocco to practice using their right hand ahead of time. The author suggested duct taping the left hand to one’s side for several weeks, the better to get the feel of not using it for eating or handing someone money.

According to a website called Protocol Professionals, another way of giving offense is to talk about anything I am interested in. “Good topics of conversation are history, sports and culture,” it advises. Under bad topics of conversation are listed the royal family, the political situation in the Western Sahara and the role of women.

Of course it repeats the modesty injunction that women should cover their bodies: “If you receive lewd stares or children pelt your posterior with small pebbles, you’ll know you are too revealing.”


  1. maybe you can talk about education, and from there to women's role?

  2. re women's role: in the mountains, note the Berber girls carrying their brother's bag. At a private home, the women serve you, then eat the scraps. consider buying saffron - tons of it and many varieties. also small to take home for gifts.

  3. how adroit on gaucheries! keep'em coming!

  4. i think just being seen riding off into the desert on camels, swathed in striped caftans, some groovy sandals and lots of bracelets, that could make it worth it.

  5. so, how's it going? have you noted all the rocks? They don't call it More-Rock-o for nothing. And in the mountains the roads are green, if I remember right. Devoted followers want to know.

  6. between the compulsive left-handedness and the forbidden topics, i think we better send a posse! we're all dying to come to the rescue...
